Vehicle Description
This vehicle is being sold as Lot No. S122.1. - J-386/2421, ACD
Certified - Rare and unique Bohman and Schwartz Disappearing-Top
Convertible Coupe coachwork - Purchased new by Academy
award-winning actress Marie Dressler with LeBaron Convertible Sedan
coachwork - Acquired by Hollywood director/producer Roy Del Ruth
who commissioned Bohman and Schwartz to upgrade the coachwork in
1933 - B&S skirted the fenders; elongated the hood; raised the
deck and sculpted the tail - Of the 6 LWB Duesenberg Model J
Convertible Coupes, this is the only example to wear Bohman and
Schwartz coachwork - Bohman and Schwartz only built 14 bodies total
for Duesenberg, 10 of which were placed on cars with pre-existing
coachwork. Notable cars with upgraded Bohman and Schwartz coachwork
include the Clark Gable SWB Convertible Coupe J-560, the Mae West
SWB Convertible Coupe J-370 and the Phillip Wrigley SWB Convertible
Sedan J-464 - Formerly part of The Harrah Auto Collection, The
Blackhawk Collection and The Imperial Palace Collection - Featured
in Dennis Adler?s Duesenberg book and Josh Malks? Illustrated
Duesenberg Buyer?s Guide - Documented by multiple well-respected
Duesenberg historians including: Fred Roe, Ray Wolff, Gerry Gebby,
Don Butler, Dean Batchelor, J. Elbert, Keith Brown, Don Howell and
Dennis Adler
For more details on this vehicle, Visit the Mecum Web Site