Vehicle Description
Coming Soon - Zoom Classic Cars presents this 1932 Ford Roadster
Hot Rod featuring the following: ENGINE - 8ba - 52 Ford truckStock
- Bored 0.30 over all new partsStock - Crank ShaftNew - Eddie Meyer
HeadsNew - Eddie Meyer intakeNew - Stromberg 97's CarbsNew - Eddie
Meyer - air cleanerWATER PUMP - 409 Chevy Corn Huskers water pump
conversion TRANSMISSION - T-5 5 speed totally rebuiltBODY - All
Steel rod bodsHOOD - Hot Rod 3 Row Louvers - Rootlieb, RADIATOR -
WalkerFRAME RAILS - ASC Cross member - CornhuskersBRAKES - Front
Buick Drown Rear 9" Ford, AXLE - Chrome super bell, SPLIT WISHBONE
- front & rear, READ END BANJO - Hot Rod Works Conversion to 9"
Ford axles & brakes, GAS TANK - Valley Tanks 15 gallonsGAUGES - 49
Old's - sent to Classic Instruments, total rebuild to electronics'
sending unitsCOLOR - 1941 Ford Lock Haven GreenTIRES - CokerRIMS -
American Racing Salt Flat 16"TOP - Kwik top fold down or
removeINTERIOR - Recycled leather oxblood - CLUTCH - HydraulicSEAT
GLIDECar is currently stored near Warwick, NY with clean NY
transferable registration in the owner's name. Call Jeff to
schedule a viewing of this beautiful Roadster. Thanks for Looking.