NCRS award winning 1987 Corvette Convertible with Nash 4+3 manual 7 speed transmission. Anti-lock brakes, digital dash, limited slip rear Axle, power mirrors, antenna, windows with air conditioning. AC3 power seats, AR9 leather seats, AU3 power locks, BP4 Radiator boost fan, KC4 oil cooler, K34 cruise control, UU8 Bose Am/Fm Cassette radio, MM4 manual 4 speed with overdrive, L98 5.7 liter V8 engine and QZD P255/50VR-16 Radial Tires.Heavy duty Radiator.
NCRS Awards
NCSR-McLellan National " Mark of Excellence "
NCRS National Top Flight - 98.1 points
NCRS Performance Verification- 100%
NCRS Regional Top Flight--98.7 points
NCRS Regional Top Flight- 99.0 points
Very original car, always driven in Florida. Matching numbers and date codes with no hit body or damage. Transported to nationals. Engine signed by GM chief engineer Dave McLellan.