REDUCED For SPRING!! $27.9k Why Wait?! I Now Have $45,460.00 in this SWEET DRIVER!! ALL MECHANICALs FIXED & PAID FOR! This El Camino is just STRONG & Loud!
GORGEOUS! Florida Car w/ 11,295 Miles (ORIGINAL? Seller said they are Original Miles, no one drove it) ! Garaged. Now a completely fixed daily driver. I have been told by a True Expert, if it's ORIGINAL MILES, it's worth $60k.
383c.i./Holly 4 bbl, fast, rumbler, street & highway. Only 800 RPM @ idle; 2,200 RPM @ 70 MPH - Just incredible.
Have $45,460+ in this 1971 El Camino...EVERYTHING is fixed, all new wiring, hoses, gaskets, Starter, Brakes, Carb, Shocks, etc. All modifications/repairs by Cruisin’ Classics Performance Center. Just a Beautiful truck!! (614) 406-1321, feel free to Text me...
She Runs like a TOP -- Just did 200 Mile Trip, Perfect! Dual Chrome Exhaust, LOUD and steady...So FAST & Strong, ZERO "hesitation"
Air Conditioning, AM/FM/CD Player, Alarm, SealSkin Cover & more.
Will Sacrifice for $28.5k FIRM! (614) 406-1321, feel free to Text me...
VIN Verified:
No Accidents or Damage Reported
2 Owners In 19 Years
No Open Recalls
Clean Title