The sale price is firm.
This is 1 of 5021 LHD vehicles that shipped to the United States from England in 1953. This vehicle was previously appraised at $28,500 3 years ago. The appraiser was a board member for NADA in Dallas, TX. Since then, the entire electrical system has been replaced, new starter, new generator/control box, battery. The appraiser believed the restoration was done sometime in the past 15 years. I believe it was accomplished during the 1990s. The vehicle had only been driven 26 miles from 1994 until I purchased in 2021. If the restoration had been completed in the 1990s, that would make it a very nice 30 year old restoration. This car is loads of fun to drive and turns many heads with lots of thumbs-up! This is not a reproduction nor kit-car, this is the real deal. Side curtains are included, and also the hand-crank bar needed to start the car in the event of a dead battery. I have used it on a number of occasions before purchasing a new battery.
XPAG/TD2/25424 - Built on February 12, 1953
NOTE: Some of the photos show the wipers and motor. I removed the wipers and motor once I discovered the motor did not work. But I still have them. I also added side mirrors.