Vehicle Description
1938 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan all original other than a few things,
this car was restored in 1975 we finished the restoration in 2015
which was the glass and paint. The Zephyr has the original trans, 3
on a tree and it's original flat head V12. The car has won at many
local car shows as well as Good Guys Nationals in the Home build
class in 2015. It placed 3rd for Zephyr's at the Lincoln Owners
Club car show in 2015 as well. Runs great, price is well worth it
14,000 were made in 1938 and very few of them are left that have
not been chopped up. -Vehicle is on consignment and at our clients
home -Please Call First and talk to a rep at 231-468-2809 EXT 1
-Showroom is by appointment only Please Call -If you would like a
FREE Listing please visit our consignment page or Call