PRICE REDUCED 1997 Aurora Pace car replica, one of the Aurora’s left with original pacecar graphics and paint from Demmer/Skilltech Engineering. One Aurora Pacecar is in the Olds/GM museum, another one is at the Indianapolis 500 museum. This is the only Aurora with exact pacecar graphics and paint done by Skilltech in private hands.
In 1997 after attending the Oldsmobile anniversary celebration at the Indianapolis 500 I decided to make an Aurora pacecar since they weren’t available from Olds. I purchased a new Aurora and had it shipped to Demmer Engineering/Skilltech in Lansing Michigan, the company that produced all the Aurora pacers for Olds. During a yearlong transformation the car was stripped, hand striped, repainted and clear-coated to exactly match Oldsmobile’s Aurora pacecars, using all original graphics. No mechanical modifications were made during the cars stay at Demmer. The car has 300 original miles and is a new car, by any measure. Car has chrome wheels, black interior, and full power. Special Aurora Pacecar extras go with the car to finish the full transformation into an 1997 Aurora pacecar. $29,998.00-OBO.